How much is it for a page in the book?
The early bird pricing to reserve a page in the book is currently $379 for 1 page (regularly priced $1000). 

May I reserve more than one page in the book?
Yes, the early bird pricing to reserve 2 pages in the book is currently $559 (regularly priced $1250). 

Is there a limited to the amount of pages I can reserve?
To honor as many entrepreneurs, business owners and influencers, you may (only) reserve up-to 5 pages in the book.

How come the price is so reasonable?
We have created a software that has helped keep down costs. The iNETrepreneur Network has chosen to take on the additional associated costs of the book for the Author Contributors.

I have a large community myself, do you have an affiliate  program that I can share with my community? 
We offer the affiliate program only to author-contributors who are already a paid contributors. Please contact 
Robert@networktogether.net with any questions. 

What formats will the book be distributed in? 
• Downloadable Digital – Amazon is a major search engine and with our proprietary category research, we can get the book placed in many categories. We also can monitor ranking and
sales very easily with Amazon.
• Hardback /Paperbook – Ingram Spark will list the book in the catalogs for book stores and libraries.
• Digital Services – Draft2Digital distributes to a wide variety of places for those who like to read books on their devices.
• Digital Devices – Kindle and various companies will distribute a digital version
• Email – The iNETrepreneur Network and Partner Networks, will distribute a digital version to about 250,000.
Barnes and Noble – and many other major retailers.

Will I receive credit as an Author? 
Yes, for an author credit, you must submit an original quote, original thought and an original question, to receive your author credit. And, you may seek your request through Amazon Central.

Will I receive credit as a Bestselling Author? 
You may state that you are a Contributing Author in an internationally bestselling book.

Will the book really be in the Library of Congress? 
Yes, we have submitted and have been accepted to be place in the Library of Congress.

Date Availability Check?
Calendar Link

May I reserve more than one page in the book?
Yes, the early bird pricing to reserve 2 pages in the book is currently $429 (regularly priced $1500). 

Is there a limited to the amount of pages I can reserve?
To honor as many entrepreneurs, business owners and influencers, you may (only) reserve up-to 5 pages in the book.

How come the price is so reasonable?
We have created a software that has helped keep down costs. The iNETrepreneur Network has chosen to take on the additional associated costs of the book for the Author Contributors.

I have a large community myself, do you have an affiliate  program that I can share with my community? 
We offer the affiliate program only to author-contributors who are already a paid contributors. Please contact 
Robert@networktogether.net with any questions